Large Animal Wellness


Change of Service (as of March 1, 2022)

We value all of our large animal clients. However, we are currently lacking a full staff of veterinarians, so therefore are unable to travel to the farm to provide services. We hope that this is temporary and that we will once again be able to provide these services as we always have. You are still welcome to schedule haul-in appointments during business hours. 

In case of emergency please call North Palouse Veterinary Clinic at 208-875-1096 or McKinlay & Peters Equine Hospital at 509-928-6734

We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to be back on the road in the future.


The following list is our protocol for basic annual health care. If you do not see the information you are looking for please contact our clinic.

BOVINE (Cattle)

Newborn Calves:

Dip naval in tincture of iodine 1st day
Vitamin E & Selenium injection (BO-SE) within the first 2 weeks
Vitamin A & D injection within the first 2 weeks

Pre-Weaned Calves:

1 month prior to weaning 7-way or 8-way clostridium
1st vaccination includes IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV (ie. Cattlemaster 4)
Heifers can be brucolosis vaccinated at 4-12 months of age (Bangs)
Bulls that need to be vaccinated should be done at this time.

Weaning Time:

boostered  IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV
boostered 8-way clostridium

Pregnant Cow:

7-way or 8-way clostridium yearly vaccination
Vaccination with  IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV plus (+) or minus (-) Vibrio and Lepto depending on the area and individual herd (make sure products are killed viruses or chemically attenuated, ie. Cattlemaster4 or Cattle master 4VL5).
If scours is a problem vaccinate with scourguard 4-6 weeks before calving (E-coli, Rotavirus, etc.)

Open cows, Bulls:

7-way or 8-way clostridium yearly vaccination
IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV yearly vaccination


EQUINE (Horses)


Vitamin E & Selenium injection at birth
4-way vaccination at 3-4 months
5-way vaccination at 4-5 months
West Nile Virus vaccine at 4 months, booster 4 weeks later.
Strangles vaccine at 6 months (when applicable)
Deworm protocol: Strongid at 4 weeks, strongid at 8 weeks, ivermectin at 4 months,

Pregnant Mare:

Pregnant mares should be vaccinated with a 3-way or 4-way 4-6 weeks prior to foaling.
Pregnant mares should be vaccinated with rhino (killed vaccine - Pneumobort K) in the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy.

Adult Equine (with limited exposure to other equine):

Wellness Exam
4-way or 5-way vaccination yearly.
For our region deworm in April and November (more frequently if needed)
West Nile Virus vaccine yearly. (after initial & 4 week booster)
Float Teeth as needed

Adult Equine (with exposure to other equine)

Intranasal influenza  and rhinopneumonitis every 6 months
3-way vaccine yearly

Goats & Sheep

Yearly to biannually CD&T
Special Case- vaccinate for caseous lymphadenitis
Sometimes 8-way clostridium in flooded areas or with cattle


Yearly CD&T
Booster pregnant females one month prior to birthing
EHV vaccine if with equine